Feb 12th, 2025
Select the version of the database you want to browse and the system model you are interested in, by clicking “version - system model” (as depicted in the screenshot) on the top left of the page.
In the following pop-up window, you will be able to select the version "Database Releases" and the system model of your choice.
To search the database, you can use the search field and type the name of the
activity/product you are looking for. You may also customize your search further,
by adding one of the available filters on the right-hand side:
- Sector: datasets are classified into sectors (defined by ecoinvent) according to their ISIC number and their main output.
- Geography: each activity present in the ecoinvent has a geographic location.
- Activity type: activities can be ordinary transforming activity, market activity, import activity or market group.
- ISIC section: broad ISIC category to which the ISIC classification belongs.
- ISIC class: datasets are classified according to their main output. ISIC refers to the International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (ISIC), Rev. 4 by the United Nations Statistics Division available online: https://unstats.un.org/unsd/publication/SeriesM/seriesm_4rev4e.pdf
For further support in searching the database, you can refer to the database overview files which are available for download in the relevant documents & files section of the respective data releases page. These files provide the list of all datasets available in the database for the respective system model and ecoinvent version. The database overview supports users in choosing the correct activity and product names to find the corresponding dataset in ecoQuery.
For further clarification, you can access the Undefined form of the database, which is the raw source data of the ecoinvent database. The Undefined form depicts datasets before linking and allocation. To understand the physical process described by an activity, it is often helpful to look at the dataset in its unlinked state. The Undefined form of the database is available via the dropdown menu “System model”. Please note that with a guest account you can only access the documentation of each dataset.