ISO14000, EN15804, ISO21930, GHG, ILCD

The ecoinvent database is constructed in a way to support various environmental standards.

Oct 23rd, 2023

Nowadays, different standards relating to diverse industrial sectors and geographies define requirements, guidelines, and characteristics that ensure materials, products, processes, and services fit their purpose. There are various standards related to environmental assessments in various sectors. Compliance with such standards ensures the credibility and consistency of such assessments and reports. 

The purpose of the ecoinvent database is to support affordable, easy environmental assessments with transparent, high-quality data. To fulfill this goal, the ecoinvent database is structured to respect the environmental standards listed below. 

List of Standards

ecoinvent data can be used to support environmental assessments and reports that aim to comply to the following standards. 

ISO14000 Family for Environmental Management 

The ISO14000 family covers a series of standards related to environmental management. These include standards on Environmental Management Systems, Environmental Labelling, Environmental Performance Evaluation, Life Cycle Assessment, and Greenhouse Gas Management and related activities. 

EN15804 for Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) 

The EN15804 is a European standard that sets the core rules for Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs). 

See EN15804

ISO21930 for Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) 

ISO21930 sets the core rules for Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) at an international level. 

ISCC Certifications 

ISCC is an international certification system for Biomass and Biofuels (fuels and electricity) that describes the rules and procedures for certification. 

GHG Protocol, Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard 

Specification for greenhouse gas emissions inventory including indirect emissions resulting from value chain activities. 

ILCD Handbook 

A set of documents that are in line with the international standards on LCA (ISO 14040/44). 

The ILCD handbook was developed by the Institute for Environment and Sustainability in the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), in co-operation with the Environment DG.

See the ILCD Handbook