The energy sector of the ecoinvent database includes data on electricity and heat. Data for both electricity and heat are included and regularly updated in the ecoinvent database.
Dec 28th, 2023
Both are forms of energy widely used, supporting many different activities, diverse areas and aspects of daily life. Used in, and consumed for, operating households, offices and diverse facilities, for manufacturing, transportation, as well as for the purpose and operation of machines among other things, both forms of energy greatly affect the life cycle of countless products and services. At the same time, the quantification of the impact of their production, transmission and consumption is imperative. Recognising this necessity, the ecoinvent database includes the most recent data to provide information that are as close as possible to reality.
Figure 1: Map of geographical coverage of electricity markets in the ecoinvent database for the attributional system models cut-off and APOS.
Figure 2: Map of geographical coverage of consequential electricity markets in ecoinvent. The colors differentiate markets with a specific (blue) or streamlined (orange) marginal electricity mix. The streamlined mix is generated based on the available data from the blue countries.
The electricity sector in the ecoinvent database is continuously updated. Currently, more than 3,500 datasets in over 250 geographies model electricity supply and consumption, covering electricity generation including power plants, transformation, transmission, distribution and use. Electricity generating datasets cover a wide range of fossil as well as renewable energy sources and production technologies, including secondary electricity production datasets from various industrial processes.
The attributional and consequential system models assume different electricity mixes for the calculation their results. The cut-off and APOS attributional system model use the latest aggregated data from various sources in order to cover 100% of statistically represented global electricity production. This results in up-to-date unique electricity mixes being available for 142 countries. Large countries such as Brazil, Canada, China, India, and the USA are split into sub-regions based on national statistics.
Contrarily, electricity mixes for the consequential system model are based on projections of future electricity market compositions of forty countries. Together these countries represent 76.5% of the global energy output. These mixes are based on projections from international authorities such as the European Commission (2016) and the international Energy Agency (2016).
Taking into account that electricity is generally produced, transported and consumed at different voltage levels, the ecoinvent database categorizes/distinguishes electricity-related data according to the different voltage levels, namely high voltage (above 24kV), medium voltage (between 1 kV and 24 kV) and low voltage level (below 1 kV).
Electricity Reference Years
The following table summarizes the years of reference for which the different electricity markets and mixes in the different versions of the ecoinvent database are valid. In the attributional system model the electricity mixes for Brazil (BR), Canada (CA), Switzerland (CH), China (CN), India (IN), and the United States (US) are based on national statistics which are usually available for release year minus two years while the remaining countries are based on final comprehensive statistics by the International Energy Agency, available for release year minus three years. Up to v3.8 of the ecoinvent database China was split into two sub-grids (CN-SGCC, CN-CSG) of which the CN-SGCC region was split into six sub-grids, resulting in seven total sub-grids for China from v3.9 onwards.
Figure 3: Figure 3: Summary of reference year for electricity markets and mixes. Due to varying data sources for different electricity mixes the years for which electricity markets and mixes are valid differ for certain countries. Abbreviations for the listed countries follow the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard.* The fiscal year in India starts on April 1st of year x and ends on March 31st of year x + 1 and is reported as x/x+1.** See publication: The integration of long-term marginal electricity supply mixes in the ecoinvent consequential database version 3.4 and examination of modeling choices.
Sector Highlights
Renewable Electricity
Renewable electricity in the ecoinvent database is produced through various means, while most of those are represented by different generation technologies.
Solar energy is harvested with Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants and photovoltaics. For CSP datasets for thermal parabolic trough systems and solar tower plants are available. Photovoltaic systems are represented as facade, flat-roof, slanted-roof and open ground installations and photovoltaic panel production is split into single-Si, multi-Si, a-SI, CdTe and CIS panels.
Electricity from hydro is produced in run-or-river powerplants, reservoir, and pumped storage hydropowerplants. For reservoir dams a further distinction for different regions is made, namely alpine, non-alpine, and tropical. The regions differ in type of dam built and land transformed for the hydropower plant. Wind power is represented by electricity production from wind turbines from different classes. Three different power levels are distinguished: <1MW, 1-3MW and >3MW, while also classifying offshore and onshore power generation.
Finally, geothermal power is also included in the electricity sector of ecoinvent in the form of deep geothermal power generation.
Fossil Electricity
The electricity sector in ecoinvent contains electricity generation and infrastructure datasets for the most common fossil electricity generation means.
Electricity generation from coal is represented through the burning of hard coal or lignite as fuel, while for hard coal two types of coal firing power plants are available: conventional and supercritical.
The burning of natural gas for electricity generation is implemented in datasets representing conventional gas power plants, combined heat and power plants (CHP), combined cycle power plants (CC) as well as for turbines of different sizes. At last, electricity production through oil and peat are also implemented in ecoinvent.
Biogas and Waste Incineration
In the ecoinvent database electricity is also produced through the burning of biological matter in activities concerning biomethane burned in gas turbines and fuel cells, biogas burned in combined heat and power co-generation unit as well as the from the treatment of biowaste through incineration.
Further, electricity is also produced as by-product from various processes such as the production of burnt shale, cobalt, ethanol from sweet sorghum and wood, petroleum, sugarcane processing, pulp production and the treatment of various wastes through incineration.
Transmission and Distribution
Electricity is produced, transported and consumed at different voltage levels. The structure of the electricity sector in the ecoinvent database is schematically in the following figure:
Source: Treyer, K., & Bauer, C. (2016). Life cycle inventories of electricity generation and power supply in version 3 of the ecoinvent database—part II: electricity markets. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 21(9), 1255–1268.
Figure 4: Structure and links between electricity-related activities and markets (high, medium, and low voltage) in ecoinvent v3.6. Emissions of N2O, O3, and SF6 are direct emissions of the market activities. Some of the electricity-producing activities as well as imports are classified as constrained in the Consequential System Model and therefore do not supply the markets.
Typically, high voltage medium voltage and low voltage level are distinguished. In the ecoinvent database they are defined as follows:
- Most large power plants feed into the high voltage electricity grid.
- Long distance electricity transmission happens on high voltage level, either through direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC) transmission lines or underground cables.
Losses occur during transformation and transmission.
Electricity, medium voltage: between 1 kV and 24 kV
- High voltage electricity is transformed in transformer stations to medium voltage electricity for regional distribution. Losses occur during transformation and distribution.
- Some power plants feed into the medium voltage electricity grid. In ecoinvent these are waste incineration plants, which generate electricity as by-product.
- Large industries, e.g. paper mills, typically consumes medium voltage electricity.
Electricity, low voltage: below 1 kV
- Medium voltage electricity is transformed in transformer stations to low voltage electricity for local distribution. Losses occur during transformation and distribution.
- In ecoinvent, electricity generated from photovoltaic modules feeds into the low voltage grid.
- Households consume low voltage electricity.
Transformation losses are accounted for in transformation datasets. Transmission and distribution losses are accounted for in the electricity market dataset of each voltage level.
Residual Mixes
Since ecoinvent v3.9, datasets on European residual electricity mixes are included in the ecoinvent database. The residual mix is a virtual mix. It represents the energy mix of untracked consumption, i.e., electricity consumption that is not explicitly tracked through mechanisms such as Guarantees of Origin (GO). The shares of the residual mixes implemented in the ecoinvent database have been calculated based on statistics from the Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB) following the methodology of Grexel (2020). The calculation area considered for the calculation of the residual mixes covers all members of EU28, Iceland, Norway, Serbia, and Switzerland.
The residual mixes have been modeled, following the same structure as the electricity markets in the ecoinvent database, delivering electricity on high, medium, and low voltage levels, which are connected with transforming activities. The European Attribute Mix (EAM) has been modeled as separate datasets for clearer representation and is linked to the residual mixes of all deficit countries. For countries importing electricity outside of the calculation area (not covered by tracking mechanisms), these imports are represented through activity links directly in the residual mix datasets. Grexel (2020), Issuance Based Residual Mix Calculation Methodology for details on the methodology of residual mixes and their calculation.
Data Providers
Data on the electricity sector is based on contributions from different data providers, including (but not limited to):
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
- Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)
- CADIS, Center for LCA and Sustainable Design
- EnCiclo Soluções Sustentáveis Ltda.
- GAIA Environmental Services
- Südesco energy, Peru
- Life Cycle Assessment Research Group from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
- Quantis, Switzerland
- International Reference Center for Life Cycle of Products, Services and Systems (CIRAIG)
- Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB)
- Grexel, Finnland
Data Sources
- International Energy Agency (IEA)
- European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E)
- Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID)
- Enerdata
- Canada’s national statistical agency (statCAN)
- Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB)
- Karin Treyer (Main Editor), Paul Scherer Institut, Switzerland
- Christopher Oberschelp (Co-Editor), ETH Zürich, Switzerland
- Christian Bauer (Co-Editor), Paul Scherer Institut, Switzerland
Matthias Stucki (Co-Editor), ZHAW, Switzerland
Relevant Sources
While the database contains all needed information to understand the modeling and calculations behind its contents, the reports below provide further information for enhanced understanding of the activities within the sector.
AIB, Association of Issuing Bodies. European Residual Mixes. Results of the calculation of Residual Mixes. Accessible:
Electricity production from thermal energy (including combined heat and power) in Switzerland. Accessible: Swiss Sector Statistics
Grexel (2020). Issuance Based Residual Mix Calculation Methodology, Version 1.1.
Statistics of hydroelectric installations in Switzerland. Accessible: Swiss Sector Statistics
Swiss Electricity Statistics, Table 6b. Accessible: Swiss Electricity Statistics
Swiss Overall Energy Statistics, Tables. Accessible: Swiss Overall Energy Statistics
Swiss Renewable Energy Statistics, Detailed Data, Appendix B. Accessible: Swiss Sector Statistics
International Energy Agency (IEA), (2016a). World Energy Outlook 2016. Paris.
IEA/OECD Electricity information. Table 1.1 “World electricity production, imports, exports, final consumption"
Itten, R., Frischknecht, R., Stucki, M., (2014). Life Cycle Inventories of Electricity Mixes and Grid, Version 1.3.. Retrieved August 2019.
Messmer, A., Frischknecht, R., (2016). Umweltbilanz Strommix Schweiz 2014, Version 589-Umweltbilanz-Strommix-Schweiz-2014-v3.0, 07.12.2016 09:19:00. Retrieved August 2019.
SBB, (2019a). Zahlen und Fakten – Infrastruktur: Elektrische Energie für den Bahnbetrieb , last Retrieved August 2019.
SBB, (2019b). Zahlen und Fakten: Nachhaltigkeit: Energieverbrauch. Retrieved August 2019.
Schweizer Verband der Kleinwasserkraft. Swiss small hydro, Factsheet: Small hydro. Accessible:
Vandepaer, L., Treyer, K., Mutel, C., Bauer, C. and Amor, B., 2019. The integration of long-term marginal electricity supply mixes in the ecoinvent consequential database version 3.4 and examination of modeling choices. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 24(8), pp.1409-1428 (Open Access)
Verband Schweizerischer Elektrizitätsunternehmen (VSE) and Pronovo AG. Accessible:
Verein für umweltgerechte Energie VUE. Strom- und Biogasprodukte – Der Markt für erneuerbare Energieprodukte. Accessible:
Sector Overview
As an important energy provider, heat and steam are produced and consumed through various ways in the ecoinvent database. Classical means of heat production through the burning of fossil fuels such as oil, coal, natural gas, or burning of wood pellets and hardwood are available. Many different production technologies including large scale heat and power co-generation (CHP) or combined cycle gas turbines for centralized heat distribution, but also small-scale furnaces, boilers, and mini CHPs for local production are incorporated as well. In turn, the production of the infrastructure required for these heat production processes is represented in separate datasets.
Sector Highlights
Heat from Fuels
In the ecoinvent database, heat is often produced in combination with electricity in co-generation units or in generators and turbines.
The database offers datasets of heat produced by all classical fossil fuels. These include hard coal, coke, lignite, diesel, natural gas, light and heavy fuel oil. For most of these fuels several ways of heat generation are available. Such are, natural gas is burned in heat and power co-generation units, in different types of boilers (atmospheric low-NOx non-modulating, atmospheric non-modulating, condensing modulating, fan burner low-NOx non-modulating, modulating), heat pumps and industrial furnaces.
Additionally, also the burning of wood for heat production is represented in the burning of hardwood, wood chips, wood pellets, mixed logs in furnaces of various sizes and co-generation units.
Biogas and Waste Burning
Heat originated from biomethane and agricultural biomass sources such as straw, bagasse from sugarcane, waste wood, and biowaste are modeled next to heat from the treatment of various wastes. These include the treatment of municipal wastes, hazardous waste, refinery sludge, waste emulsion paint, waste plastics, waste building materials and many more. In the treatment activities heat is usually modeled as the by-product of the process.
Heat from Solar Collectors
Heat production originated from solar power is modelled in combination with other sources, such as gas, wood and electricity, either in combined systems or for hot water production only. Different technologies for collectors such as flat plate, tube collector, Cu flat plate and evacuated tube collectors in both one-family houses and multiple dwellings are available. The datasets are mostly based on data from CH.
Heat as by-Product
Heat is also produced as by-product of several industrial processes. These include the pulp production in the paper sector, steel production, zinc from concentrate, and the hot rolling of steel in the metals sector, or propane extraction from liquefied petroleum gas.
Steam is overwhelmingly used and produced in the chemicals and plastics sector Database sector chemical of the ecoinvent database. The steam is produced from an average fuel mix used in the chemical and petrochemical industry and is measured in kg. Uses of steam in the chemical sector include, among others, the production of ammonia, maleic anhydride, nitric and sulfuric acid. In the metals sector, steam is used for the smelting and refining of nickel concentrate and the primary zinc production from concentrate.
Use of Heat and Steam
As diverse as the ways to produce heat are, the application and usage of heat in the ecoinvent database is even more versatile. Almost every other sector uses heat in a way. Examples include:
- Lettuce production in a heated greenhouse
- Lithium manganese oxide production
- Melamine-impregnated paper production
- Nuclear power plant construction, pressure water reactor 1000MW
- Door production, inner, glass-wood
Heat in the ecoinvent database is measured in MJ. The different heat production technologies combined in markets for central or small-scale and district or industrial heating from natural gas or other sources.
Data Providers
Data on the heat sector is based on contributions from different data providers. Notable providers of LCI datasets on heat-related activities include (but are not limited to):
- Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland
- ESU-services, Switzerland
- International Reference Center for Life Cycle of Products, Services and Systems (CIRAIG)
- Karin Treyer (Main Editor), Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
- Christopher Oberschelp (Co-Editor), ETH Zürich, Switzerland
- Christian Bauer (Co-Editor), Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
- Matthias Stucki (Co-Editor), ZHAW, Switzerland
Relevant Sources
While the database contains all needed information to understand the modeling and calculations behind its contents, the reports below provide further information for enhanced understanding of the activities within the sector.
Dones, R., Bauer, C., Bolliger, R., Burger, B., Faist Emmenegger, M., Frischknecht, R., Heck, T., Jungbluth, N., Röder, A., Tuchschmid, M. (2007). Life Cycle Inventories of Energy Systems: Results for Current Systems in Switzerland and other UCTE Countries. ecoinvent report No. 5. Villigen: Paul Scherrer Institut, Dübendorf: Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf. Accessible in the Reports section of version 2 of the ecoinvent database.
Heck, T. (2007). Wärmepumpen. In: Dones, R. (Ed.) et al., Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen: Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. Final report ecoinvent No. 6-X. Villigen: Paul Scherrer Institut, Dübendorf: Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf. Accessible in the Reports section of version 2 of the ecoinvent database.
Heck, T. (2007). Wärme-Kraft-Kopplung. In: Dones, R. (Ed.) et al., Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen: Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. Final report ecoinvent No. 6-XIV. Villigen: Paul Scherrer Institut, Dübendorf: Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf. Accessible in the Reports section of version 2 of the ecoinvent database.
Werner, F., Althaus, H.-J., Künniger, T., Richter, K., Jungbluth, N. (2007). Life Cycle Inventories of Wood as Fuel and Construction Material. Final report ecoinvent 2000 No. 9. Dübendorf: EMPA, Dübendorf: Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories. Online-Version under: Accessible in the Reports section of version 2 of the ecoinvent database.
Doka, G. (2003). Life Cycle Inventories of Waste Treatment Services. ecoinvent report No. 13. St. Gallen: Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories. Accessible in the Reports section of version 2 of the ecoinvent database.
Jungbluth, N. (2007). Sonnenkollektor-Anlagen. In Dones, R. (Ed.) et al., Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen: Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. ecoinvent report No. 6-XI. Dübendorf: Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories. Accessible in the Reports section of version 2 of the ecoinvent database.